Stonehenge & Bath Diary

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One of the many perks of living in London is the incredible array of places to visit of a weekend. With such a short time in this epic city, I’m finding myself cramming in as much touristing as possible every Saturday and Sunday. One such excursion was to the truly magical town of Bath, with a slight detour by way of Stonehenge.

Every time I mentioned Stonehenge to someone in my plans, I was told that it was ‘boring’ and ‘a pile of rocks’. Well, I cannot deny the truth of the latter, but Stonehenge was far from boring. With stones first raised over 5,000 years ago, and hundreds of burial mounds surrounding the site, the incredible, rich history of such a place was overwhelming. We were also spoilt by a rare sunny day, which was perfect for tourist shots in the late morning light.

The rest of the day was spent exploring beautiful Bath, which is said to be the largest complete Georgian city in the world. The Roman architectural influences and the traditional Georgian townhouses mixed with the perfect winter’s day and a great bunch of people made for an unforgettable afternoon. We visited the city’s namesake Roman baths, sat down for a traditional English pub lunch (complete with a pint of cider), explored the diverse street markets and got just the right amount of lost.

I didn’t get in as many photos as I would have liked as I unintelligently forgot to charge my batteries, meaning I had to ration camera time. But I guess that’s a pretty good excuse to make the trip back sometime.

Nicole x

16 thoughts on “Stonehenge & Bath Diary

    • Oh thanks love! The coat’s from Zara. London is gorgeous but the weather winter is definitely not my favourite part. I’m so jealous of you getting to visit in the summer! I look forward to seeing some blog posts! x

  1. Lovely Pictures! And you won´t Believe me when I tell you I´m going to the UK in the beginning of March to actually experience some Spring-weather! Here in Stockholm it´s snowy and icecold,(-5 C atm) and your pictures remind me that it wont last forever, thankfully!

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